Reboot Buddy 2.1 | 1.20 MB
Reboot Buddy automatically reboots the PC at the set time or on command.
The application allows users to set multiple reboot times or reboot on Command, Reboot Buddy allows user to Reboot, Logoff, Shutdown Lock workstation and also has a Force option. Can also run from the command line with command line options.
Reboot Buddy 2.1 well let you set a time to reboot your computer automatically. Reboot Buddy will let you set the computer to reboot, Log off or shutdown. It also has a force option that force the computer to shutdown if it has open applications. Reboot Buddy 2.1 also lets to Reboot Now. The Reboot Now also has a Force Option if your computer takes to long to reboot this may help you. The Force option will shut down your system with even if you have open documents. Reboot Schedule will allow you to set time of the reboot, with an option of force. You can set the time and also lets you either run it once or repeat. If you set it to repeat it will run everyday at the time you set if Reboot Buddy is running. Reboot Buddy also has command line options that lets you reboot a computer from the command line. It is much better timed reboot dos freeware and ms-dos reboot program freeware. If you need an Auto Reboot you should try this software. This reboot software is free to download and try. If you need a reboot manager this is the one to use.
Features Include:
* Reboot Now - Click the Reboot Button to Reboot the computer right now.
* Reboot Schedule - Set the Time of Reboot with a option of Force and Repeat.
* Force Option - If the Force Option is set then the machine will be shut down even if there are open documents.
* The Application can be set to run minimized so it is moved to the taskbar as it waits to reboot your system.
* Command Line Options allow user to reboot machines from dos. for example "rebootbuddy.exe /reboot /force" will reboot the computer
* Reboot Buddy can also be run as a service if the .net frame work is installed, it can be download here
* Reboot Buddy can be incorporated into outlook to reboot your machine. Just add a Outlook rule and call "rebootbuddy.exe /reboot /force" command line options when email is sent with a specified subject or text in the email. (Note: You can call reboot buddy from a .bat file with the full path and command options)
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