Blackberry Smartphone Troubleshooting Guide
This Troubleshooting Guide will help you troubleshoot the BlackBerry® smartphones basics for OS5 and OS6. Most software issues can be resolved by updating the device to the latest version of software available. Please encourage your customers to check and update their BlackBerry software often by visiting www.BlackBerry.
com. Always check for signs of physical abuse when performing the tests. Record any findings in the return comments. Refer to
the section at the end of this Guide for a few visual examples of physical abuse and more helpful BlackBerry support links.
Table of contents :
LED Indicator
Battery Life
Smartphone Resets
Smartphone resets during Media playback
LCD Screen is not Working or Fading Away
Ringer/ Vibrate does not function
Signal/Service Reception
Smartphone does not send or receive emails
Device constantly shows “Insert SIM” or “SIM Rejected”
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