Able Batch Converter v3.5.3.12 | 5.38 Mb
Able Batch Converter does exactly what its title suggests, allowing you to easily convert multiple graphics files at the click of a button. More than that, you can also edit images directly in Able Batch Converter, to produce a variety of effects (rotate, flip, resize, mirror, auto crop, filters, noise remove, deskewing, watermarks, margins, color enhancements etc).
Special features:
Multilanguage interface.
Image preview
Drag and drop files from explorer.
Keep folder structure (Result tab)
Automatic correction of the white balance for RAW files.
Saving Actions List to file.
Loading Actions List from file.
Actions moving.
Actions editing.
Child folder (Results tab | Output folder)
Combining TIFF annotations with background
Drag and drop files and folders from Explorer (to the program window or desctop icon)
"Default compression" settings for TIFF files
Ability to delete original files after conversion
Auto Adjust Orientation
Auto-Rotate by EXIF orientation tag
Drag&Drop filter
"File Information" button
Renaming of files with identical names
Drag&Drop of ACTL files (Actions List)
Drag&Drop of BFL files (Batch File List)
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