LyGil Software PrintTrak 2.4.2 | 15.1 MB
PrintTrak is a cost effective print logging and accounting; solution in situations such as businesses, libraries, internet cafes and schools/universities where print costs need to be monitored and/or recovered. PrintTrak monitors print jobs being sent to printers, recording details such as the user who sent the job, the name of the job and the number of pages printed for a the print job. Charging schemes can be easily set for each printer and users can be put into functional groups or classes.
What PrintTrak can do for you:
· Instant cost recovery: In situations such as print shops or internet cafes where customers are charged for printing as it is performed, PrintTrak can log the performed jobs, calculate charges and produce invoices instantly.
Log view
· Recovering consumable costs: Often, the owner of the printer is responsible for supplying the consumables such as ink, toner and paper, and financing any repairs to the printer. By charging the users for their print jobs, funds are then available for these ongoing expenses. Staff in many workplaces are required to record the number of pages printed etc manually on an appropriate form as an attempt to recover costs. However, comparisons between manual and electronic records at several sites have shown an honesty rate of only about 13%. That is, 87% of the jobs printed are never logged manually.
· Recovering capital costs: When a printer breaks down or is in need of replacement, it can often be difficult to find someone who is willing to cover the cost. PrintTrak can display exactly who prints what proportion of jobs and therfore will clearly show the primary users and who should be financing these costs. PrintTrak will also print this data in chart form to demonstrate use even more clearly.
Usage report
· Monitor what is being printed: Because PrintTrak keeps logs of the filenames that are being printed, it also displays the filenames of any undesirable or unauthorised documents which may have been printed.
· Security: Printer access permissions are usually set up on the printer server, but by browsing the print logs it is easy to establish if unauthorised users are accessing a printer.
· Curiosity: It is sometimes benficial to see exactly what a printer is being used for.
PrintTrak Limitations:
· Operating System: PrintTrak will not run on Windows98 or lower as the necessary API's are not present, however the print jobs coming from Windows98 or lower machines (or linux/mac) can be monitored.
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